Student Life
Our students are a cut above
The School of Public Affairs students interact with a diverse group of peers and have access to faculty from a broad array of backgrounds.
They have the opportunity to connect with other departments at ASU, as well as with the community and industry, through research and education.
The School of Public Affairs offers service and support for our undergraduate and graduate students. This section offers plenty of resources, including advising, course information, and job information. Learn more about learning opportunities outside the classroom, like internships or student organizations.
University resources
Highly Ranked Graduate Programs
Public Affairs school in the nation
Listed as one of the best MPA programs
in Homeland Security and Emergency Management
in Information, Technology Management and Local Government Management
in Nonprofit Management, Public Management and Leadership
in Urban Policy
in Environmental Policy and Management
in Public Finance and Budgeting
in Public Policy Analysis
Source: US News & World Report
The rankings of master’s programs are based on a survey of 272 programs nationwide.