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Your Action Timeline

Timeline for Internship: Application to Approval

  • One Semester Ahead - attend an introduction session, apply for SPA Internship, and schedule an Internship Intake Interview (recommended 3-6 months prior to participating in internship; give yourself more time for federal government application and selection)
  • 3-6 Months Prior - use suggested resources to actively identify, research, search and apply for multiple relevant work-learning/internship opportunities
  • 6 Weeks Prior - accept/decline the internship(s) for which you have been selected and contact coordinator; fill out the first documents for approval
  • 1 Month Prior - complete internship confirmation and competencies documents with supervisor/agency to start final agreement and approval for credit
  • 2 Weeks Prior - all parties complete the approval agreement, and the student is cleared to register for PAF484/584 in upcoming semester

Introduction to Internship

An internship is a professional development experience that enhances your education by providing an opportunity for you to:

  • Explore work and career pathways in public and community service
  • Apply classroom knowledge and skills to professional projects and workplace solutions
  • Develop highly valued transferable skills and competencies in leadership and management 
  • Build professional relationships and establish yourself as an emerging professional
  • Understand recruitment and hiring processes and trends for a successful transition and competitive edge in today’s marketplace!


The School of Public Affairs (SPA) Office of Career and Professional Development assists current undergraduate students to explore career interests and build career readiness and competencies through internship, service-learning and other professional development activities. 

Graduate students may also elect to participate in professional development activities to enhance skills and experience for post-graduation employment and advancement. 

Both undergraduate and graduate students may earn academic credit toward their degree for their work-learning experience through participation in the internship course, PAF484 or PAF584, respectively.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) research has found a strong positive relationship between student participation in internships and increased probability of receiving professional employment offers while searching for post-graduation work prior to and upon graduation. 

Recruiting and hiring in the field of public service is no different than other occupations - Everyone wants to hire knowledgeable and skilled candidates. Internship can help you be that candidate!

First steps to identify, seek and qualify an internship for professional development

1.    Attend a SPA Internship Introduction Session - recommended one semester prior to the semester that you plan to participate in an internship and the PAF484 or PAF584 course. Register for an Introduction Session. 

Virtual workshops for students seeking internships are scheduled Fridays 12-1 pm. (Summer dates: July 19 and 26).  A fall schedule will begin in September for those seeking internship in spring 2025.  Use the registration link to plan ahead. 

2.    Prepare and submit a SPA Internship Application . Click the link and use the online form to get started. Applications for spring 2025 will be accepted September 1 - November 1.

Selected for an internship this fall? Note on your Application and the Internship Coordinator will contact you.

3.    Meet with the Internship Coordinator for an Intake Interview, to learn about current opportunities, review your application and promotional materials, develop a search plan, or qualify an internship for which you have been selected for credit and participation in the PAF484/584 course during the semester you are performing the internship. 

Intake Interviews for Spring 2025 will be conducted through October 2024.

Student Professional Development Preparation Workshops

The School of Public Affairs Office of Career and Professional Development presents hands-on workshops for students to develop effective self-marketing tools and skills to promote themselves professionally. Review workshop descriptions, determine the assistance you need, then register for either a virtual or in-person session via the link provided. - Fall 2024 Professional Development Workshops dates and registration links will be posted in August.


Effective Resume Writing and Powerful Introductions

  • Learn how to introduce yourself and demonstrate skills, knowledge and experience through all your application, prospecting and referral documents and conversations.
  • Present yourself professionally throughout the recruitment, hiring and on-boarding processes
  • Get noticed for the right reasons!

September 10, 3:00 - 4:00 pm, September 18, 4:30 - 5:30 pm, September 26, 12:00 - 1:00 pm


Conducting an Effective Job Search

  • Discover best practices for identifying, applying and securing your dream internship (or first-destination professional employment post-graduation)
  • Learn how to apply the highly effective RSF Method and timeline to maximize your search efforts in the next few months           

October 8, 3:00 - 4:00 pm, October 16, 4:30 - 5:30 pm,  October 24, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Practicing Successful Interviewing Skills

  • Learn and practice the highly effective STAR method of interview preparation to ace professional interviews for internship, first-destination post-graduation employment or promotion
  • Let's get the hiring conversation started!

November 5, 3:00 - 4:00 pm, November 13, 4:30 - 5:30 pm, November 21, 12:00 - 1:00 pm 

All workshops use worksheets and exercises found in this Resource Guide:

Resource Guide

NEXT page - Learn more about:

Identifying an Internship