Thom Reilly

Thom Reilly is a professor in the School of Public Affairs and co-director for the Center for an Independent and Sustainable Democracy at Arizona State University. He is former Chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education; County Manager for Clark County, Nevada (the Las Vegas Valley); and head of the Nevada child welfare system.

Jacqueline S. Salit

Jacqueline S. Salit is President of Independent Voting, a national strategy, communications, and organizing center that works to connect independent voters across the U.S. and is a 30-year veteran of the independent and reform movements. She also serves as co-director for the Center for an Independent and Sustainable Democracy at Arizona State University.

 Dan Hunting Headshot

Dan Hunting, Research Director


Student Team

Caucasian man  








Christian Lorentzen, Graduate Research Assistant




Diego Rodriguez, Research Assistant