Fellow on laptop applying for program

How to Apply

The Fellowship application cycle is currently closed. 

Applicants to the Marvin Andrews and Jane Morris Fellowship program are accepted from all Colleges and Universities once a year for admission to begin each Fall. Admission is highly competitive. 

One incoming Marvin will be designated as a Jane L. Morris Fellow. Jane Morris was a well-respected, retired City of Phoenix Deputy City Manager who died unexpectedly in 2016. The Fellowship, the School of Public Affairs, and the ASU Foundation were given a generous gift by Jane's family to honor her and to support young professionals entering the field of local government management. The Jane Morris Fellowship will be chosen and operated in conjunction with the Marvin Andrews Fellowship. The selection is open to male and female applicants, but a female candidate is preferred. If selected, you will be notified when you learn about your Marvin Andrews application status and you will be known as either a Marvin Andrews or Jane Morris Fellow.


  • You must graduate with your Bachelor's degree (complete all required courses) by the Spring semester preceding the start of the fellowship in the the fall semester.
  • You must be a newly admitted student into the MPA or MPP program to be considered for the fellowship. Students enrolled in the ASU accelerated master’s program are eligible to apply to the fellowship. To qualify, they must commit to an additional two years of full-time enrollment in either the Master’s of Public Administration or Master’s of Public Policy programs. Students begin in the fall semester and graduate in the second spring semester. For example, a student in the accelerated program who is accepted to the fellowship would begin courses full time in Fall 2025 and graduate in Spring 2027.
  • ASU Undergraduate Students Only: Personalized Graduate Admission offers will be sent to qualified prospective undergraduate students in February of each year. To check your qualifications for Personalized Admissions please see here.



  • International students are not eligible to apply.
  • Application Steps for the Marvin Andrews and Jane Morris Fellowship:
    1. Click the button below to start the application process.
    2. Submit the following documents:


      • Upload a professional resume (PDF or Word format)

Fellows are hired as part-time, benefited employees of Arizona State University. They begin their first year as management interns working either for ASU's School of Public Affairs engaging in a variety of public administration or performance management projects or obtain a one or two-year management internship with a city/town/regional government in Maricopa or Pinal County. In the second year (August to May graduation), all Fellows secure a management internship with a local government in the Phoenix metropolitan area. All Fellows are paid 20 hours per week at $20 per hour for both years.


  1. Arrange for two letters of recommendation:
    • Should be from academic or professional references
    • Must address the applicant's qualifications and commitment to local government management
    • Recommenders should either: 1) Email letters directly to Kari Kent at Karolyn.Kent@asu.edu with the subject line "Marvin Andrews and Jane Morris Recommendation Letter"; or 2) Use the link provided after applicant submits application

Any questions about the program, feel free to contact Kari Kent at karolyn.kent@asu.edu or call 480.884.0291.