Marvin Andrews and Jane Morris Fellowship Application
Marvin Andrews and Jane Morris

Fellowship Application

Applicant Name

Provide a professional resume in a PDF or a Word document to submit with the fellowship application.


Directions: Your application for the Fellowship in Urban Management requires your response to the following questions. Answers should be no less than 50 words and no more than 500 words for each question.
Describe your motivation for pursuing a career in city management. Explain why you believe this career path is well-suited to you, outline your aspirations for growth within the local government profession, and discuss how obtaining your MPA or MPP and participating in the Fellowship program will contribute to achieving your career goals. Your response should provide a clear picture of your professional interests, ambitions, and how you see this opportunity fitting into your long-term plans in public service.
Describe a pivotal moment or experience from your life that had a profound impact on you. Explain how this event influenced your personal growth, values, or perspective, and discuss the ways it has contributed to shaping you into the person you are today.
You've recently been appointed as the Assistant to the City Manager in the Town of Donttrustatall. In your initial assessment, you've identified a significant gap in communication and engagement between the community, elected officials, and staff. The City Manager has asked for your input on addressing this issue. What are your recommendations for improving trust, interaction, confidence, transparency, and community inclusion in the community’s local government processes? Your response should provide specific, actionable strategies that the City Manager could implement to bridge these gaps and foster a more connected, engaged community.
You're the City Manager of Tinytown, facing a 20% population surge due to a new employer bringing jobs to your community. The $60 million budget is strained, especially in streets, utilities, and public safety. While impact fees have contributed to the construction of new water and sewer treatment plants, and developer-built roads in new subdivisions have provided some relief, Tinytown faces several pressing infrastructure and service challenges. You have various issues before you which include: 1) addressing major road expansions to accommodate increased traffic and improve connectivity; 2) developing a comprehensive plan for maintaining both newly constructed and existing roads; 3) managing the rising chemical and power expenses associated with operating the new water and wastewater treatment plants; and 4) enhancing public safety to address increased calls for services. There is a gradual upward trend in Tinytown’s revenue sources which include gas taxes (restricted for roads only), utility user fees (water, sewer, and solid waste fees), primary property tax, and sales tax (excluding services and food). As funds start coming in, what's your top priority? How will you bridge the gap between immediate growth needs and gradually increasing revenue?
As the new city manager in Growsalot with a council-manager form of government, you've discovered that employees and directors are bypassing the chain of command. They're directly approaching elected officials, responding to their requests, and advocating for their departments without keeping you informed. How will you address this ethical challenge and effectively manage the organization? Describe your approach to resolving this situation and establishing proper communication protocols.