student with glasses and blond hair holding a pen and looking at a computer


Our research assumes responsibility for the community

Engaging our community is one of the core functions of ASU and the School of Public Affairs. ASU is measured not by who we exclude, but by who we include; we pursue research that considers the public good; and we assume major responsibility for the economic, social and cultural vitality of our community.

Spotlight: urban innovation

ASU, ICMA and Alliance bring together innovative city managers and research
The School of Public Affairs is part of a unique partnership that blends research and innovative practice for local government management. 

Marvin Andrews Fellowship in Urban Management celebrates 11th year
The highly competitive program has attracted some of the country's most talented students aspiring to lead local governments.


Addressing the challenges of drone use

Balancing drone use policy (Huffington Post)
How to regulate drones (Fox Business)
Lethal drones are the industry's latest headache (MSNBC)
What it's so hard for DC to make rules for drones (CNBC)

Impacts of autonomous vehicles on government revenue

Autonomous vehicles will have tremendous impacts on government revenue (Brookings):
Self-driving cars could remove government income from parking tickets and driving-offence fines (International Business Times)
The future of autonomous vehicles may be closer than you think (NPR Michigan)
Why self-driving cars will raise your taxes (Forbes)
Self-driving cars may end the fines that fill city coffers (Wired)
Self-driving cars will cost cities, futurists say (USA Today)
Autonomous vehicles will cost local governments big bucks (Slate)
Panel: self-driving cars will cost cities (Arizona Republic)


Highly Ranked Graduate Programs




Public Affairs school in the nation

Listed as one of the best MPA programs



in Homeland Security and Emergency Management


in Information, Technology Management and Local Government Management


in Nonprofit Management, Public Management and Leadership


in Urban Policy


in Environmental Policy and Management


in Public Finance and Budgeting


in Public Policy Analysis



Source: US News & World Report   




The rankings of master’s programs are based on a survey of 272 programs nationwide