ASU students in caps and gowns smiling at a graduation ceremony

Degree Programs

Set your sights on one of our highly-ranked academic programs

Minors & certificates

Students may pursue certificate programs along with a major, minor, other certificate program or independently as a non-degree seeking student. For a full list of available minors and certificates offered by the Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions, please visit the Watts College of Public Service minors & certificates page.


Highly Ranked Graduate Programs




Public Affairs school in the nation

Listed as one of the best MPA programs



in Homeland Security and Emergency Management


in Information, Technology Management and Local Government Management


in Nonprofit Management, Public Management and Leadership


in Urban Policy


in Environmental Policy and Management


in Public Finance and Budgeting


in Public Policy Analysis



Source: US News & World Report   




The rankings of master’s programs are based on a survey of 272 programs nationwide